R J Reynolds Senior
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J. Fred Amend
Michael Artman
Rosa Lee Ashburn (Scarborough)
Sara Aspden (Cooley)
Chris Baker (Hill)
Doris Barnard (Robinson)
Ralph Barrow
John L. Beard
William E. Benbow
Jim Blackburn
Bob G. Blair
Vance Blalock
Paul Bowers
Betty Boyd (Turner)
Mary Boyer (Williams)
Carole Lynn Brewer (Fearrington)
Linda Brewer (Hammett)
Ruth Elizabeth (Bunny) Brewer
Terryll J. Brewer (Gilliam)
Edwin Sheridan Brockwell, Jr.
Alvin M. (Al) Brown
Bobby Joe Brown
Clifton E. Brown
Janet Brown (Hall)
Mike Bryant
Wanda G. Bryant (Poe)
R. Donald Byerly
Maribeth Byers (Carpenter)
Renan L. Carter
Russell Childress
Margaret Clayton
Gilbert M. Cofer
Gayle Collette (Edwards)
Becky Collins (Venable)
Stuart Cooper (Cooper)
Thomas M. Cordell
Wanda Cornelius (Hemrick)
Elizabeth (Buff) Cox (Perry)
Daniel F. (Dan) Craver
Roger Lee Crook
Richard Edward Davenport
A. Kenneth Davis
Marian Davis (Weinstein)
William G. DeBusk
Judson Davie (Dave) DeRamus
Camilla Dize (Matthews)
Arthur Drake
H. E. (Ned) Drane
Benjamin D. Drummond
Judith (Judy) Duggins (Johnson)
Dianne Dunnigan (Gant)
Joan Durana
Marian Eidson (Lucas)
Vicky Ekvall (Webb)
Connie Farmer
Jan Ferris (Henderson)
Bonnie Forrest (Boles)
Linda Foster (Waters)
Robert E. (Bob) Foster
Tony Foster
Tom H. Fowler
Linda F. Fuller (Wooten)
Linda Garber (Hardy)
Roland J. Gay
Clenton Gentry
Gray Gentry
Millie Gold (Henning)
Ronald W. Greene
Thomas Charles Hailey…
Anita Hauser (Ogburn)
Marilynn H. Helton (Hester)
Jane Henson
Sherry Hine (Marthinuss)
Jean Holton (Wilson)
Leroy Honeycutt
Kay H. Howell (Waller)
Patricia (Pat) Huband (Craver)
Judy Hutcherson (Hutcherson)
Bill Jones
Kathryn (Kathy) Jones (Lane)
Jonathan Julian
Jayne K. Keith (Appleyard)
Pam Kimel (Thompson)
Beth King (Sowers)
Faye Lanier (Brendle)
Kaye Lanier-Eisenbraun (Smith)
Melinda Lou Lee (Trevorrow)
Dottie Lewis (Cotten)
Linda Longworth (Couch)
Nancy Mayer (Cole)
Bob Maynard
Paul B. McCarthy
Patricia McCormick (M Nuckolls)
Elaine (Putter) McGuire (Caudle)
David F. Meschan
James R. (Jim) Middleton
Kay Miller (Walker)
Larry Miller
Marilyn Elsie Miller (Morris)
Mason Mitchell
Bob Moffie
Carol Mowery (Willis)
Ann M. Munt (Drawdy)
Pamela M. Murray (Harrill)
Arlene Nelson (Southern)
H. Gordon Niblock
Diane Norman
Tom L. Ogburn
Preston Oldham
Hugh V. Overcash
Barbara Parker (Harriman)
Frankie Parnell (Garner)
Linda Pate (Rowe)
Hazel Peeples (Parrish)
Mary Beth Perkins (Holland)
Cindy Peters
Judy Petree (Hobson)
Stephen D. (Steve) Petree
Ana Petty (King)
Gene Petty
Dianne Pfefferkorn (Hobbs)
Bob Pike
Brenda Poe (Jones)
Elaine Poteete
Nancy Putnam (Griffith)
Gail W. Rhoades
J. Robert Rhudy
Margaret (Peggy) Richardson
Jane Roberts (Crouch)
Jerry Roberts
Clyde W. (Robbie) Robinson
Carmelo Albert (Al) Rubio
John Shaffner
Robert C. Shaffner
William Franklin Sherrill
Emily A. Siewers (Cox)
Ann S. Smith (McCaskill)
Hank Smith
Henry Smith
Jack Smith
Dianne Smithdeal (Hodges)
Pam Smithdeal (Garrison)
Horace V. Smothers
Beverly Snyder (Pearson)
Jimmy Snyder
R. David Sprinkle
Marsha D. Stafford (Masten)
Will Starbuck
W. R. "Joe" Staton
Anne Steele (Page)
John P. (Jack) Stevenson
Louise S. Stokes (Kinken)
Mike Thomerson
Carolyn Todd (Stokes)
Kathleen Traylor (Sink)
Henry R. Triplett
Ron G. Trivette
Beth Trotter (Justice)
Whit Turner
Diane Way (Gower)
Katy Welfare (Jones)
Curt E. Whisenhunt
Judy Whitaker (York)
William V. White
Charlotte Williams (Dellinger)
Fred D. Williams
Katherine V. (Kit) Williamson
H. Norton Willis
Betty Wilson (Johnson)
Joyce Woodward (Troyer)
John W. Wooten
Phillip W. (Phil) Wooten
W. Lavern Wright
Jane (Janie) Yandell (Mueller)
Mildred (Millie) Yarbrough (Pierce)
Sarah Young (Blizard)
Jean E. Ziglar