Please let us know if you can come, or not, to one or both of the Reunions planned for this summer and how many we might expect. Let us know for both the CLASS of 1962 REUNION and the 5 YEAR REUNION.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Are you attending the RJRHS Class of 1962 REUNION on Friday afternoon/evening, June 28th?

  YES, I alone will attend my Class Reunion on Friday, June 28th.
  YES, 2 or more of us will be attending.
  I hope to attend but cannot commit at this time.
  No, I cannot attend.

The location has yet to be selected but the event will be casual and probably late afternoon or evening. More information will follow as we get closer to the date.
2)   * Are you attending the RJRHS 5 YEAR REUNION on Thursday afternoon/evening, June 27th?

  YES, I alone will attend the 5 YEAR Reunion, Thursday, June 27th.
  YES, 2 or more of us will be attending.
  I hope to attend but cannot commit at this time.
  No, I cannot attend.

The 5 YEAR REUNION will be held at Tanglewood from 4:00-8:00pm and will probably cost in the neighborhood of $25-$35. More information will be sent later.